So, as promised, here are my funny stories that revolve around me attempting to meet Kam Loe. It should be quite clear by the second or third story that I didn't ever really have the best of luck...
At the beginning of my summer after my High School graduation I declared a summer goal: To get a picture with Kameron Loe. I had only received his autograph once before in California and it wasn't that great of an experience because he was quickly swarmed with card collectors. At the beginning of my summer, Kam Loe was pitching for AAA Oklahoma. In July, Oklahoma would be playing AAA Round Rock which is very close to my house. I marked that four-game series on every calendar I had, and began the long waiting process. When the first game finally arrived I was soooo freaking excited. I could not sit still any part of the day. So, Long story short, Kam Loe never came out of the locker room that game or any of those games for that matter. He got called up to the Rangers the day of the first game. My luck!
A few days after I moved up here to Fort Worth, Ranger Pitcher C.J. Wilson held one of his Guitar Hero Challenges. Kam Loe had once again gotten the call to the Big Leagues so I just took a guess that he would make an appearance at the GH Challenge. Somehow, I convinced my new roomie to travel with me to Dallas. So we drove to Dallas and we were thirty or so minutes late because we got lost. Big time lost too. We finally got there and we milled around for a while. I saw Kam Loe. I ran to the bathroom right quick before I initiated any sort of interaction. When I came out, he was gone. Yep...Good Luck Adventure Number two!
For my bestie's birthday, I bought her and I tickets to a Rangers game. This game was super special for her because he favorite player, pitcher Brandon McCarthy, was making his first start of the season after a long stint on the DL. What made the game ideal for me was that Kam Loe was still up with the Rangers; it was another opportunity to meet Kam Loe! My bestie and I stood out by the bullpen to wait for Bcar and Kam during the pregame. Bcar eventually showed up but Kam didn't. Basically, after the game was over, I found out that Kam got sent back down to AAA Oklahoma. However, the worst news was that AAA Oklahoma would be playing at AAA Round Rock and I couldn't go because the series was in the middle of the week. How terrible...
Yeah. I don't really think there is a need for any more explanation. I have the worst luck.
"A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings."
-Earl Wilson
Card Of The Week March 9
2 days ago
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