Monday, February 23, 2009

This Just In: Online Translators Stink.

I really, really wish I could tell you how Kameron pitched in an intersquad game yesterday, but I can't. Google translator has finally failed on me; not that it was exactly sufficient beforehand either. All I can really say is this: He pitched in his first intersquad game yesterday (the 22nd). As for the exact details, I'm not too sure. It's like someone wrote out a sentence on a piece of paper, cut out each individual word, put them all in a glass and started drawing out words to reform the sentence again. I will take a guess, though. I'm going to guess three hits and two runs.

You take a look and tell me what you think:

Pitcher Justin foreigner Jamano New (26 = San Diego Padres) low pitcher Cameron (27 = Rangers) 2 showed a pitching mound in the first intrasquad game. Jamano pitcher hits and no runs three times a pitcher hit a low two runs twice. Pitcher Jamano "The breaking ball is a different day. Today's game was so good curve ball." Low pitcher is "a good pitch for a strike at all" good mouth feel. Akiyama Director "(the struggle for Rothe's) come in full. Have found something good," wrote the future.

The Bold part is what I think might be referring to the game. Your guess is as good as mine...unless you can read Japanese or the Gibberish above.

In better news, I found a picture!!

I'm sure I just made every one's Monday a little better. I don't know about you, but I woke up with a big case of the Mondays this morning.


"Life will always throw you curves, just keep fouling them off... the right pitch will come, but when it does, be prepared to run the bases."

-Rick Maksian

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carpal Tunnel...ouch...Syndrome

Carpal...ouch...Tunnel...ouch!...Syndrom...Ouch!!! Don't worry; it's me, not Kameron. I feel like I'm too young to be getting this sort of thing, but Carpal Tunnel is what the TCU doc's think. The worst thing is, is that I'm pretty sure I didn't even get it from writing twenty-page essays; I'm almost certain I got it from playing this Internet game. You see, my wireless mouse broke so, for about three weeks I used the touch-pad on my laptop. Included in that three week period was my obsession with that game. Unfortunately for me, the extremely quick hand movement required to beat the game was quite harsh on my hand using the touch-pad. And eventually, I got to where I am now: In a lot of pain.

For the sake of my hand and wrist, I will get to the point. This weekend I am going to Austin to go to the Doctor where, I assume, they will tell me to minimize computer use. So, until my poor wrist feels better, I won't be posting too much here. Don't worry though, if there is any relevant news, I will do my best to get it posted, even if I have to type with my chin.

With my spare time, I'm thinking about finding some other people who have been hurt by playing that "Airport Mania" game and filing a Class Action Lawsuit. That would be awesome because then we could represented by one of those T.V. attorneys I see in commercials during The Price is Right. that's a plan.
Here are some random pictures from Spring Training that I found:

Slip n' Slides are the best ways to teach sliding reports Hawk Officials:

No one expected Mary Poppins to leave such an impression on the team after they all watched it together Friday night:

Unfortunately, some players' ideas of keeping a runner from stealing weren't the greatest:

"One of these things is not like the other one..."

When I read that the Japanese Baseball was a little different than the U.S. ball, they weren't exaggerating:

P.S. Feel free to post any other random captions to the pictures.
"The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love."
-Bryant Gumbel