For the sake of my hand and wrist, I will get to the point. This weekend I am going to Austin to go to the Doctor where, I assume, they will tell me to minimize computer use. So, until my poor wrist feels better, I won't be posting too much here. Don't worry though, if there is any relevant news, I will do my best to get it posted, even if I have to type with my chin.
With my spare time, I'm thinking about finding some other people who have been hurt by playing that "Airport Mania" game and filing a Class Action Lawsuit. That would be awesome because then we could represented by one of those T.V. attorneys I see in commercials during The Price is Right. that's a plan.
Here are some random pictures from Spring Training that I found:
Slip n' Slides are the best ways to teach sliding reports Hawk Officials:

Slip n' Slides are the best ways to teach sliding reports Hawk Officials:

No one expected Mary Poppins to leave such an impression on the team after they all watched it together Friday night:
Unfortunately, some players' ideas of keeping a runner from stealing weren't the greatest:
"One of these things is not like the other one..."
When I read that the Japanese Baseball was a little different than the U.S. ball, they weren't exaggerating:
P.S. Feel free to post any other random captions to the pictures.
"The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love."
-Bryant Gumbel
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