Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm going to be headed to Austin today to go to the Rodeo this weekend. Before I did though, I thought I'd share a video I found of Kameron in post game conference. The best thing about it is that it shows clips of him pitching in games and there is not a Japanese translator over his voice.

Also, there is an article with video but, as usual, makes little to no sense. If your still interested in reading attempting to read it, you can find it here.

Finally, I am sad/happy/still undecided to announce that writing will no longer be in my professional outlook. I am changing my major to Business Finance. Business/Money type stuff has always been in my family--one of my Grandfather's owned his own business and my other Grandfather was the County Auditor. My brother is an accounting major and currently works in a County Auditor's office. I guess I'm just next in line.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


1 comment:

Micah said...

Awww...thank you for that video. I miss him so much!