If I ever get hurt I like to be able to tell people that I got hurt in some dramatic way; like diving for a line drive to win the game or saving a kitten's life. Well, two days ago I managed to injure myself a little, however, it wasn't in the most noble way. I was sitting on my chair at my desk. The Chairs we have look like regular chairs but they are actually rocking chairs. So, I was sitting in my chair and I turned in my chair to face my roommate to talk to her. I propped my elbow up on the back of the chair and started talking with her. I started to rock back and forth and I guess I rocked a little too far back because before I knew it, the chair and I were heading towards the ground. I landed right on my elbow. Ouch! I immediately started laughing because my roommate did the same thing a few weeks ago. We joked all night about how hurt ourselves in the most ridiculous ways. Incase you are wondering, I didn’t hurt myself too bad, I’ve got bad carpet burn and a little soreness.
As for news from across the Pacific, there really isn’t anything. I guess this time of year, in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, is pretty quiet for the NPB. But don’t worry, if anything pops up I will certainly post it ASAP because it’s almost winter break which means I will have no tests, no homework, no reading and certainly no studying for the next few weeks! I cannot believe my first semester is practically over. It feels like it was just yesterday when I first moved in. Isn’t just amazing how fast time goes by?
In other news, I have decided to stay in DFW an extra night so I can go to the Toys for Tots event at the Ballpark tomorrow. Not only will it be lots of fun but, all of the Toys collected will mean a happier Christmas for lots of Children around DFW. If you are in the area and have nothing to do, you should definitely check it out!
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."
-Rogers Hornsby
Card Of The Week March 9
13 hours ago
1 comment:
i hate chairs to
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